There are a lot of benefits of dating an older woman

When younger guys are seeking a partner, for long-term connections, or no-strings-attached encounters, they often adopt the easier route. They'll accompany friends to bars or nightclubs popular with females in their age bracket. But for a few intrepid men, the prospect of getting acquainted with a bunch of immature girls who want to chat about reality TV or fashion just doesn't cut it. They'll secretly be drawn to women who can provide them with so much more, in terms of chemistry and conversation. What they'll be keeping a hopeful eye out for is a much more exclusive breed to single women. Those who are noticeably older than them. Those sensual femme fatales that society has invented a specific term for. Cougars.

Benefits of Dating an Older Woman

Honestly, would you date an older woman?

For some younger guys, getting involved with a mature female often means taking on board a variety of stereotypical assumptions. Perhaps this person has gone through a difficult marriage and is looking to rekindle the passion with the next person who comes along? There's a common perception that mature females are sometimes desperate for affection, and none too fussy about who they end up dating, as long as they end up dating someone. This is a ridiculous outlook. Having gained a lot of life experience, older women are known for having developed taste and discernment. So, when it comes to looking for attention, they are much more likely to be fussy and have certain parameters about the type of single guy they find attractive. If they have come through the other end of some kind of complicated divorce or unpleasant relationship, they will be ready to embrace life with a renewed vigor. They will also likely be very solvent, so if you play your cards right, you will be in for an incredible experience with a sophisticated and sensual woman.

Why drives younger guys to date an older woman?

Younger guys who are appreciative of the attributes currently displayed by an older woman will love telling stories about their experiences to friends. Many in their immediate friendship circle are liable to be skeptical about the possibilities of having a good relationship with an older person, especially when it comes down to the sexual aspect of things, but the fact is mature women have so much to offer in the bedroom. No matter where you go to meet older women, whether that's via online dating sites or you have discovered the prime cougar bar that is ripe for age-gap relationships - or even lesbian encounters - you will quickly find out that mature women have so much more to offer than many of their younger counterparts. Many young guys are driven to date older women because they appreciate the difference when having sexual encounters with someone who is incredibly experienced.

Questions to consider about dating an older woman

If you are relatively new to mature dating and are about to embark on a course of seduction, there are certain dating tips you should take on board from men who have already been through this experience. Guys do not always respond well to advice, but it would be worth taking information onboard before heading off to someplace known to be inhabited sophisticated older females. Another useful point for gaining information would be to refer to cougar websites. Many blogs exist that will be able to enlighten you about what you have in store when you go about seeking a mature partner for a passionate relationship. The key point is never to jump to any assumptions. If you begin taking your mature female for granted, you will quickly put her off.

Practical advice about how to date a woman older than you

One thing you have to appreciate about a mature woman is she is likely to have reached a point in her life where she is looking for something new. Perhaps she has just come out of a lengthy marriage and is eager to break free of the shackles of being someone's wife. Couples split up for all sorts of reasons, so perhaps she will be looking for something happy and more fulfilling than her previous relationship. If you can impress upon your prospective partner that you are eager to have a great time and embark on a passionate partnership as opposed to a series of quick flings, you are in for a good time.

Top tips about dating older women

The number one tip when dating older women is to forget any preconceptions about the way this romance is likely to go. Just because a woman has become middle-aged that does not mean she is about to lose interest in the more vibrant aspects of her social life. Quite the reverse. Having broken away from the family shackles, she is much more likely to be ready to start making waves in a new relationship with someone like-minded. One of the best areas where you can get in touch with older women who are looking to make connections is to sign up for a cougar dating site. This is where you will encounter all manner of lively and vivacious women who are eager to get to know their younger clubs.


Dating older women is certainly a subject ripe with subjective opinions and stereotypes. But whether we're talking flings or a love interest for a serious relationship, you have every chance of finding someone who will be a fantastic mature partner. Older women have perhaps grown tired of tiresome relationships with husbands who have become fixated with working long hours or spending all their leisure time on the golf course with business associates. Should their relationship break up, they will be ready to embrace their newfound status as sexually-experienced, free, and single. Unlike the girls their age any guy might be used to from nightclubs, with their social media fixations, jealous ex-boyfriends, and mundane conversation topics, cougars represent an irresistible blend of charm, sophistication, and latent sexuality - topped off with a healthy bank balance.

Author: Jennifer Lorusso
Jennifer Lorusso is a recognized dating and interpersonal relationship expert. As a woman with Psychological degree, she utilizes both her whole life training and her incredible life experiences to serve her readers. She is known for her approachable manner and empathetic abilities. She trully believes that everyone can find true love as long as they believe it is available to them.
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